Comment 6 for bug 1270889

Revision history for this message
Albert Syriy (asyriy) wrote :

It's possible to get binaries from netfpga-kernel.rpm and compile the NetFPGA module ( to get nf2.ko) on Ubuntu.
There some small changes in the code (file nf2_ethtool.c line 99) to exchange .phys_id field to .set_phys_id due to changes in the ethtool kernel API. The other dependency is linux-headers for a kernel.

I was able to create deb packet and assemble nf2.ko module localy, but get stuck with building on OBS.
The reason is dependencies.
++ osc -A api /build/ubuntu-fuel-5.1-stable-19022/ubuntu/x86_64/netfpga/_status
+ details='nothing provides linux-headers-3.2.0-65-generic'
+ [[ failed succeeded broken unresolvable disabled excluded =~ unresolvable ]]
I think I need additional help.