Comment 1 for bug 902562

Revision history for this message
Scott Ringwelski (sgringwe) wrote :

I have narrowed it down to this:

scott@scott-stallion:~/footnote/build$ make
[ 14%] Generating src/Widgets/Category.c, src/Widgets/Note.c, src/Widgets/TaggingArea.c, build/src/Config.c, src/Footnote.c
/home/scott/footnote/src/Footnote.vala:72.30-72.76: error: invocation of void method not allowed as expression
    SQLHeavy.QueryResult res=db.execute ("SELECT name,id FROM 'categories'");
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
make[2]: *** [src/Widgets/Category.c] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/footnote.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

The only thing I can think of is that I have an older sqlheavy version, since the valadoc clearly shows that this returns a QueryResult.

Hmmm, looking at my sqlheavy-0.1.vapi file installed, I have:

class Queryable {
public virtual void execute (string sql, ssize_t max_len = -1) throws SQLHeavy.Error;

Where do you use sqlheavy from?