Comment 0 for bug 389513

Revision history for this message
Tory Patnoe (torypatnoe) wrote :

After seeing a friends terminal program running on Mac OS X. I noticed how clean his terminal windows were. He bragged that Apple spends a lot of money on fonts. Naturally I stated that Ubuntu could do that _and_ chew gum at the same time. So off I was to make my terminals as nice looking as his.

After doing the following:
Terminal->Edit->Profiles->Edit->General Tab->Font

Up poped the font selector.

The font selector was very cumbersome to use.

1) No way to view multiple fonts at the same time to get a nice preview. I had to select each font one by one and view in the preview window.
2) No way so view fonts by a name search (like a search with the string 'mono' or 'DejaVu')
3) No way to view _only_ monospaced fonts
4) No way to view fonts by region (western, asian, etc)

After wading through all the fonts one by one I had what I wanted. Then I wanted to change all the fonts as well.


Bang! I had to go through the cumbersome selection process for each one of Application font, Document font, Desktop font, Window title font, Fixed width font.

In the end I settled upon the DejaVu famility of fonts just changing sizes etc.

The font selector needs to be easier to use. Items #1, #2 and #3 above are a MUST.

I'd even be willing to help out.