Comment 50 for bug 1

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Vijay Kumar Mateti (vijaymateti) wrote : Its not only about M$, its about freedom!

This is a Major issue that we people are facing these days. I'm a die hard supporter to fix the Bug #1. M$ may be developing some cutting edge technologies and may the having the best brains, but these things doesn't matter much and what matters most is the freedom. These proprietary software are restricting our freedom to learn, freedom to share and freedom to distribute. India is a developing nation and I don't think that people in our country are rich enough to buy proprietary software. I'm a die hard supporter of GNU philosophy and I wish that Ubuntu is gonna put this thing to reality. I'm successful to certain extent to propagate Ubuntu in my family, friends and in my college. I believe that one day we are going to attain this freedom. There is lots of myth that's still in the brains of the people and I've seen Ubuntu just blown them in very first time. The future if Free and Open!