Comment 117 for bug 1

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kellemes (kellemes) wrote :

Yes, most IDE's for Windows are expencive but I don't mind paying a price for tools I earn money from myself. That includes the OS itself..
I don't say Dreamweaver (or VS or Delphi or whatever..) is the best IDE for everyone, and it maybe that for some it's not working flowlessly at all, but if it doesn't work as expected or if I want to handcode I can always use Emacs, VIM, JEdit or one of many free/open source editors available for Windows. There are a lot of Window alternatives for Bluefish but there aren't any Linux alternatives for Dreamweaver.

The best thing of Linux (Ubuntu ofcource) for me is choice, I'm not forced to use one specific mediaplayer, IDE, emailclient, windowmanager or webbrowser.
But if I want to develop my site or application on Linux it seems more effort and more time is needed to get the same result.
I think Linux will only go mainstream if the web/app-developer has more choice of IDE's.