Comment 35 for bug 31746

Revision history for this message
Jan Kunder (jan-kunder) wrote : Re: Impossible to use multiple profiles at the same time

I can confirm all here already mentioned bugs - as of today.

ubuntu 8.10 == all updates installed

# firefox -v
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.5, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2008

~# man iceweasel
No manual entry for iceweasel

~# man firefox
No manual entry for firefox
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.

I expect some man pages with "-a" option documented.

~# firefox -h
Usage: firefox [ options ... ] [URL]
       where options include:

X11 options
        --display=DISPLAY X display to use
        --sync Make X calls synchronous
        --no-xshm Don't use X shared memory extension
        --g-fatal-warnings Make all warnings fatal

Mozilla options
        -height <value> Set height of startup window to <value>.
        -h or -help Print this message.
        -width <value> Set width of startup window to <value>.
        -v or -version Print Firefox version.
        -P <profile> Start with <profile>.
        -ProfileManager Start with ProfileManager.
        -no-remote Open new instance, not a new window in running instance.
        -UILocale <locale> Start with <locale> resources as UI Locale.
        -safe-mode Disables extensions and themes for this session.
  -jsconsole Open the Error console.

        -g or --debug Start within /usr/bin/gdb (Must be first)
==> not documented "-a" option
I expect some man pages with "-a" option documented.

# firefox -ProfileManager
* Expected results: The Profile Manager window should appear.
* Actual result: A new browser window of the currently running profile appears.
* Workaround: Run ``firefox -a NonExistingProfileName`` to force Firefox to show the Profile Manager window.

# firefox -P NonExistingProfileName
* Expected results: The Profile Manager window should appear.
* Actual result: A new browser window of the currently running profile appears.
* Workaround: Run ``firefox -a NonExistingProfileName`` to force Firefox to show the Profile Manager window.

# firefox -P aaa (existing profile: aaa named "aaa")
* Expected results: A new browser window with "aaa" (or any other called <profile>) should appear.
* Actual result: A new browser window of the currently running profile appears.
* Workaround: Run ``firefox -a NonExistingProfileName`` to force Firefox to show the Profile Manager window, then pickup profile you wanted :(

All test were with 3 profiles created and only and exactly 1 running!

I also can confirm (from memory = AFAIR) that all that behaviour is correct (=no bugs from above) on WXP with FF3.0.4.