Comment 50 for bug 294712

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In , Trev-moz (trev-moz) wrote :

Yes, allowing other content policies to opt-in would be good. I have an unfinished implementation of the very same feature for Adblock Plus (with the difference that reloading shouldn't be limited to images) which I would like to pick up again soon. As of now, I tell my own content policy to allow the request - if this can be generalized, all the better.

Boris, if I understand your proposal correctly, the override should apply automatically to all content policies returning a particular rejection reason? Not sure whether this is a good idea - these return values already have some non-trivial implications attached to them. In particular, REJECT_TYPE and REJECT_SERVER have CSS pseudo-classes associated with them which rules them out for Adblock Plus for example. But some other content policy might want these CSS rules to apply - and that's independent of whether it wants to allow being overridden. Another issue is that content policies sometimes have side-effects in addition to blocking content, allowing them to run but simply ignoring the return value might now have the desired effect.

I must say, Gavin's suggestion sounds better - it allows content policies to adjust their behavior in case of a user override. If that's over-engineered, maybe a global flag indicating user override won't be. E.g. make ";1" component implement an interface in addition to nsIContentPolicy that allows getting and setting the current policy override URL. Any content policy interested can get it from there. And - yes, I realize that global variables are bad, but that's probably the cheapest solution.