Comment 119 for bug 294712

Revision history for this message
In , Highmind63 (highmind63) wrote :

(In reply to comment #114)
> I'm not happy abusing the MIME guess; that could screw with other content
> policy implementations.

How? It isn't being used for images now, and I'm only sending when we force reload an image. Currently all the callers of CanLoadImage are using EmptyCString() for aMimeGuess, I only changed that when it's called from forceReload(true).

> Plus, this last patch has the problem I mention in comment 3, no?

Well, I'm not able to reproduce that, I've tried the following on

javascript:document.getElementById('logo').QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIImageLoadingContent).forceReload(true);void 0;

I put that in the urlBar, then right-click the image, then hit enter in the urlBar, and nothing happens (i.e. it gets caught by the IsCallerChrome check in forceReload). Can you explain how that could be used?

One other idea would be to add an api to the permissionManager itself that would allow for temporary permission overrides, but I'm not sure anyone wants to go down that path. Shout out if that's a better solution.