Comment 232 for bug 269656

Revision history for this message
celtic_hackr (quiet-celt) wrote :

Hello, I'm new here. I have to say this impacts me. While it can't really be classified as a bug, I think it does present a problem. I will not accept any EULAs on my systems. Therefore This package is unusable for me. I understand Mozilla's need to protect it's rights, but this was the wrong way. Had they required you to put up a license to use, and respect their trademarks ( a TULA), that I could live with. I will not have my software encumbered by EULAs though. Since you must implement this, and want to keep Firefox as a default option; I think you need to offer an alternative for those that click "do not accept". I think the number of users not willing to accept this will be significant. I for one do not welcome our new EULA overlords. BTW, I run my own software consulting firm, so I'm not just some crackpot. I'm a radical F/OSS crackpot consultant hiding behind an anonymous coward personality. ;)