Comment 118 for bug 269656

Revision history for this message
goto (gotolaunchpad) wrote :

The whole thing is quite amusing from one point of view. - Firefox was originally meant as a bloat-free and lean alternative to the Mozilla suite. And now it includes an EULA nagscreen; despite that being virtually void outside of the United States. And yes, that makes Firefox nagware in my book.

I vote for dropping the Firefox brand. It is NON-ESSENTIAL to Ubuntu.
The user experience argument is sadly true, but it cannot be the deciding factor here.

On a broader note, we the community, should coordinate with other distributions like RedHat, OpenSUSE, Madriva and Gentoo etc. to agree on a common alternative Firefox name (Debian figured that out earlier).
We, the technical elite, helped spread the Firefox brand. We can take it down. Especially now that the Mozilla foundation makes such insensible demands.

-- mario

PS: The web browser is a crucial part of Ubuntu now. There actually should be a fallback in the default Ubuntu installation. It's not as if Firefox (or any other browser for that matter) was indestructible. If your user profile ever got mangled, you are cut off from the Ubuntu support forums and help from Google.