Comment 100 for bug 215728

Revision history for this message
In , Rickstockton (rickstockton) wrote :

EEEK! Gavin, Steffen: I'm no expert at this, but Tinderbox shows Reed's final version as rev 1.329 (applied a minute AFTER the big update rev 1.328), and the bonsai diff shows this change applied exactly has he said:

And rev 1.329 is the last, so it's in there as Reed says. Maybe it's a good thing, maybe not-- better ask Reed why he didn't agree with comment 26. But it looks like he made this change very, VERY intentionally.

- - - - -
I'd been waiting for this to land and try it out before the Google folk landed their changes for 402469, but I gave up at about 2AM. So I'm pulling the nightly right now, a little "end user's test report" (how long to update the file) coming in my next comment. My current profile is a very, very old one-- migrated all the way from about Mozilla 0.8, but it has been following FF3 for a long time. I'll leave the current urlclassifier3.sqlite intact upon restart.

And yeah, my profile *IS* getting backed up first ;)