Comment 189 for bug 125970

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In , Eugene Miller (theerm) wrote :

For the record, I've had this problem in Firefox 2, 3b5 and 3rc1

In firefox 2.0.0.* if there is a fixed image like has. Scrolling barely takes a hit, however in 3b5 scrolling speed is slowed down dramatically, and it's jerky in 3rc1 it gets much much worse. I couldn't handle using it for more than 5 min before I realized I better get used to 2. because I can't upgrade to 3 with this kind of performance hit. It's a pitty too, because I improvements to the browser bar. The net is my income, and one of the pages I have that makes me the $$ has such a div, If I started using 3, I'd loose hours out of my year waiting for the screen to update, and considering I don't get paid until the job is done. I'd be loosing time & money if I used 3.

I'm running kubuntu linux 8.04 in (kde 3.5.9). I haven't tested it in gnome.

But a fixed div with bottom:0; right:0; *really* makes it slow in 3rc1 so much so that I would consider running firefox3 to be a downgrade over firefox2. Some pages have this problem in firefox 2 because people are being stupid and have a big fixed background image on their page like myspace user always do.