Comment 7 for bug 156550

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david_ri (david-d-cox) wrote : Re: [gutsy] ati open source driver issues with external monitor

Holy schmoly! The xandr thing worked! I did:

ddeangelis@ddeangelis69:~$ xrandr --output LVDS --off

and suddenly: Poof - the panel bar extended to the rest of the screen! If you were here, I'd buy you a drink!

Now, how do I make that permanent, and is it a bug?

(Note - in this effort, I haven't tried running without the xorg.conf file because the last time I did that, it ran through its gyrations and ended up producing a file that ONLY let me see the low-res screen - in other words, I was no longer able to crank the resolution beyond 1024 x 768. However, if you still need that, I'll save off my existing file and run it again. Please let me know. I'm so happy right now, I'd do anything!