Comment 10 for bug 70824

Revision history for this message
Simos Xenitellis  (simosx) wrote :

I took
and I run

$ ps2pdf
Segmentation fault
$ ls -l output.pdf
-rw-r--r-- 1 simos simos 22779 2007-06-28 00:57 output.pdf

Let's ignore the segmentation fault for a moment. The PDF file is generated correctly.
Evince shows the PDF file correctly as it should.
Apparently the problem is with the display of Postscript files in Evince.
When evince displays a Postscript file, it invokes Ghostscript,

/usr/bin/gs -sDEVICE=x11alpha -dNOPLATFONTS -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dDOINTERPOLATE -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dSAFER -

(when you view a .ps file with evince, go to the console and type "ps").

I was not able to reproduce the problem on Edgy.
I am attaching a sample .odt file.
In the next entry you can view the resulting PS file (views ok on my system)
b) The resulting PS file (ok on my system with evince) - I chose to print to file with OOo.