Comment 50 for bug 1274320

Revision history for this message
Tim K. (tkubnt) wrote :

If you know you are always using LVM or RAID and the fix in post #34 seems to be too complicated to apply, here's a much easier one:
Edit /etc/grub.d/00_header
At line 118 (at least on my Linux Mint 17 that's the line number) simply put a # in front of the "if [ -n "\${have_grubenv}" ] ...". This will always comment out that line from /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Run update-grub <--- this is important
Check /boot/grub/grub.cfg to make sure the "if ..." is commented out in the recordfail function
Reboot and test

Of course the fix in post #34 or something similar is what Grub should do in general, but you don't really need all that if you are currently using RAID or LVM and have no plans switching.