Comment 1 for bug 931005

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triplesqaurednine (triplesquarednine) wrote :

I've now tested building compiz on several non-debian/ubuntu systems - in all cases compiz-core fails to build with DSO linking problems :\ this includes Archlinux, CentOS and Fedora ~ but if you like i can try to compile it on several other distros **if 3 failed builds on X,Y,Z distro isn't enough?**

I would assume other parts of compiz (in bzr) also have the same sort of (DSO) linking issues.... although, since compiz-core won't build, i haven't bothered to build any other part.

this is a *critical* bug, as compiz will *NOT* build outside of Ubuntu/debian, without manual intervention of the end-user. which IMO is almost as bad as when someone made a commit which broke compiz on ALL RPM distros;

please consider other distro's when coding, not everybody is using Ubuntu. thanks