Comment 939 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
zakzor (zakzor) wrote :

Well, post after post and suddenly no more?
Looks like houstonbofh shut everyone up.
You're right at certain things, but...

> I get lots of comments from people who know nothing of Linux. Most of the biggest fears have not been an issue for
> years. By your logic, a person in West Texas who has never left the state should determine my European travel plans.

Kylea doesn't said they should. She said they say it.

> No one needs Linux. Or Windows. They are tools. I pick the best tool for the job, and it is Linux much more often that
> Microsoft.

No one needs it? Looks like you need them both reading this sentence.

> What? This is the most bizarre statement I have seen in a while!
> (...)

Microsoft creates bugs on purpose. Just not on hardware drivers. Why do you think that several programs are continuously getting new stable versions? Or a new paying release like the old Windows 98 SE?