Comment 87 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Carter (jonathan) wrote : Re: [Bug 1] Re: [Bug 1] Re: Microsoft has a majority market share

On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 17:43 +0000, Eric wrote:
> Maryland isn't any better, I only ever saw Linux in a store once and it
> was Suse. I have become a Linux advocate especially for Ubuntu. Are
> there any _unique_ ideas as to how we can continue to spread the good word?

This time of the year, I gather all excess Ubuntu CD's that friends have
(just before the release of a new version). Then I take them, and leave
them in public places (malls, libraries, etc). I put them down at
strategic places where someone will definitely take it, even if it's a
shop assistant. At least that might get them to use Ubuntu (or even
install Firefox/OOo from the live cd) which will get them interested in
Ubuntu. I remember with the Warty CD's, I strategically places more than
300 CD's in a very busy mall in Bellville.

