Comment 217 for bug 1

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Douglas Moyes (aragorn-stellimare) wrote :

I sell computers, specifically in the Los Angeles, CA, USA area (though I plan to open a shop up in Vancouver, BC, Canada in a year or so, but I'll probably leave an office in LA too). The problem goes very deep because the way that Microsoft requires OEM's and small PC builders like me to market PCs: When giving the price of a PC we're not supposed to list the Microsoft OS as a separate component with a separate price associated with it. This effectively hides from the consumer the fact that a little screwed up piece of software accounts for a significant cost of their PC.

What I do to get around this is offer a “discount” for not shipping a computer win Microsoft Windows, or I offer custom systems simply with Linux or no operating system at all. For many people, they don't require the use of MS Windows or Microsoft Office, they can do everything they need in Linux, Open Office, and the 32-bit version of Firefox (Yes, the 64-bit versions of Linux should ship with a 32-bit browser so that the stupid Flash plugin can be installed so that all web pages, especially those made by incredibly stupid web designers, can be viewed-- there is no 64-bit or open source alternative available at this time).

Anyone in the USA can get a Windows-Free laptop from me with GeForce graphics, and 100% Linux compatible hardware (including the wi-fi card). All of my PCs are built with Linux in mind. Bug me at <email address hidden> :-D For those of you in other countries-- I can't export yet. I am required by US law to get a permit for each country and type of hardware I wish to export (and, as you know, all permits cost money). Due to other screwed up laws, I can't export Linux because it has advanced encryption technology. I think the export laws in Canada will be a little more sane, but we'll see.

There are many things in this country that have been screwed up since September 11, 2001 enough so to drive me out. Fear and hatred is a great way to excuse many things, just ask Adolph Hitler, Saddam, and Osama Bin Ladin. America now has it's secret police...

Out the four Linux distributions I've used, Ubuntu is one of the better, with a few Caveats: Why on earth aren't the compiler tools installed with the default system!?! The C compiler is one of the the basic Unix tools, in addition to the the Bourne Shell, VI, and cp! Not installing cc is a sacrilege! Also, not everyone has a high speed Internet connection, even in affluent America, so if not all the available packages for a basic usable system (which includes a video/DVD player like mplayer, and finance program like GnuCash) fit on the CD, then separate ISO package CDs should be made available for offline install of software.