Comment 158 for bug 1

Revision history for this message
DarkMageZ (darkmagez) wrote :

(replying to Daniel Brodzik's previous comment)

hehe yeah. it's even funnier that their latest is 3-5 years obsolete, depending on which peice of software we are talking about! even then that code isn't particularly new... they take the old code, add afew features, put some more polish on the user interface & modify the propriatory format just alittle so it breaks compadibility with the previous versions!. Now you HAVE to BUY the new version if you wish to beable to view that powerpoint presentation from your boss.

It's also funny how that they give everyone Administrator (root) priverlages! .Then install some crummy program to lock you out of playing with settings, installing software & prevent you from using msn messenger! Which causes Internet Explorer!!! to crash on its first run everyday...

THEN!!!, you're sitting there with internet explorer opened (because you are not allowed to use Firefox or Opera) and porn pop-up's keep coming up while you are trying to do work... and even when you are NOT using internet explorer... the applications the teachers want you to write documentation for... for an assignment won't start because windows is corrupt... you know how to fix it (;en-us;324767)
but fixing it will break collage policy, and the network administrator will be there in 1-6 months to fix it.

(the above is a true story from just ONE year @ campus)

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