Comment 6 for bug 387111

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shiftless (shiftless) wrote :

No, it's Steve's attitude that needs to change, not mine. I went out of my way to file this BUG report, to help improve YOUR software, and all I'm getting is static in return. I am a typical user who'd love to see Exaile become something as useful as Amarok 1.4, since Amarok 2 is garbage. Instead of listening to what I'm trying to say, Steve wants to sit there and argue with me for hours saying I'm wrong. Bullshit. I understand good user interfaces, having written plenty of them myself for the likes of the U.S. Army, Department of Defense, etc. Like I said, every other application on the planet gets this right, why not Exaile? It's little things like this that will relevate your program to the garbage heap after a user experiences enough of it. The current behavior IS wrong, and if people like Steve refuse to understand why it's not the correct way to do things (at least not without giving the user an option), that makes it plain stupid, too. If you can't take criticism of your product then perhaps you're in the wrong business, at least if your claimed business is writing quality software that an AVERAGE USER might enjoying using.