Comment 51 for bug 23810

Revision history for this message
Marvin (marvin-nospam) wrote :

I just checked the height of my modified window. It's 740 pixel. Assuming the default height of 24 pixels for the top and bottom gnome-panels that makes: 740 + 2*24 = 784. So unfortunately still 16 pixels too much to fit on a screen with height of 768 pixels :(

But please give me feedback on my proposed solution and I can continue reducing the size of the preferences window.

Note 1:
In the evolution code I could nowhere find the code/glade-file for the generation of the "When mail arrives" part in the "General" tab. I found code for linking this UI-element to application parameters, but not the GUI-generation itself. Is there a separate "Notification" plugin that does this?
Anyway one drawback of my solution would then be that when the notification plugin is not installed, the "General" tab would only contain the "Delete" part.

Note 2:
My modified plugin adds one new label to the GUI with the text "Display". So this word also needs to be translated. However I think no work has to be done on this since all PO files already contain the msgid "Display".