Comment 20 for bug 197290

Revision history for this message
Anoop P B (anoop-pb) wrote :

An "auto archive" function in Evolution would be great. M$ Outlook provides this feature since many versions.

Meanwhile, I have written a script that will recursively archive old mails and retain your evolution folder structure in archive (unlimited levels of sub-folders under your Inbox are supported).

The script depends on the "archivemail" package - so ensure that you have this package installed.
By default, it archives all mail older than 365 days into an "archives" sub-folder under the user's home folder (but these can be easily changed if you are familiar with shell scripting)
Each time you run the script, it will create a date-wise folder under the archives folder. Your archived evolution structure is kept here.

To restore, currently, you will need to manually copy back the archived folders into /home/<user>/.evolution/mail/local

If more people find this script useful, I might improve it with the help of zenity or python to make it more user-friendly.