Comment 22 for bug 1777207

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

I had a chance to test this for CW MARS. We are seeing highly improved check in times, especially when more items are on the screen.

I ran some timings pre-patch:
I checked in 28 items on a Check In screen limited to 100 rows. I suppressed holds and transits, so these are "best case" times.
Items 1 through 10 took between 2 and 3 seconds to check in.
Items 10 through 20 took between 3 and 6 seconds to check in
Items 20 through 25 took between 6 and 7 seconds to check in
Items above 25 took between 8 and 9 seconds to check in. When I reduced the row limit to 5, this dropped down to 3 seconds.

Every check in, regardless of the number of items on the screen, took between 0.5 and 1.5 seconds. When I sorted by header and checked in another item, the first check in took 2.5 seconds. Subsequent check ins went back to 1 second.

When I removed the suppression modifier, I recorded the amount of time it took to scan in an item, acknowledge both an alert message and transit pop-up: 7 seconds. All these steps together were still faster than a single check in could be previously.

I like the current behavior where newly scanned items appear at the top of the list even when sorted. Clicking on a header will sort them in whenever desired.

Although I did not record actual times, Check Out appeared to be noticeably faster, as well.

I did not run into any issues in my testing. I confirmed holds were still captured on Check In and that items in odd states, (checked out, in transit, etc), were still handled correctly on Check Out.

I'm not adding my signoff at the moment because I'm not sure if Galen has decided it is ready. Dan Wells also has some unanswered questions.

Perhaps, too, others might want to test.