Comment 1 for bug 1115599

Revision history for this message
Kathy Lussier (klussier) wrote :

I tested this workflow again with a master build from 11/15/13.

The behavior is a bit different, but I am still unable to receive canceled lineitems. I activated an order and then marked a lineitem as canceled with the cancel reason being backorder.

The action to receive the lineitem is not disabled in the menu as was previously the case. However, if I select the backordered lineitem and then select "Mark Selected Items As Received," I receive a message that says "You have not selected any (suitable) line items."

Prior to 2.3, staff was able to receive canceled line items. This regression is very problematic because there is no way staff can handle backordered items from within the staff client once those items are shipped. There is no way to change that line item from within the staff client back to a receivable status, like on-order. If I try to add the selected line item to an invoice, I receive the same message that I received when trying to receive it.

The only workaround I have found is to create an invoice using the button at the top of the PO, detach all of the irrelevant lineitems from the invoice (our staff really do not want to return to this workflow that requires detaching line items from invoices), and then receiving the line item from the invoice.