Comment 7 for bug 921806

Revision history for this message
edoceo (edoceo) wrote :

These are updated notes from KCLS for checking out this issue, including use-case and testing methods

The action of attempting to check out an item that is already checked out brings up a dialog box
of “Force CKO?”. Add to the dialog box whether or not the item is being checked out to the
same current patron in the same day, or if the current patron is a different patron. A renewal in
the form of checking out the item to its current patron after the original checkout date should still
be allowed.

Use Case:
Staff member is checking out to a patron. An item barcode is scanned twice by mistake. The staff
member needs to know if the alert is about a double scan, if the item is checked out to a different
patron and needs to be checked in first, or if the patron is intending a renewal.

Testing Procedures

Patron A has item 111 checked out.
Patron B has item 222 checked out.
Open Patron A’s record at least one day later.
Within Checkout, scan item 333.
Scan item 333 again. Does alert let you know that it was a double scan issue?
Scan item 111. Does item renew?
Scan item 222. Are you aware that this item is checked out to a different patron?