Comment 1 for bug 828032

Revision history for this message
Mike Rylander (mrylander) wrote :

Going through these in order ...

DROP TABLE config.language_map;
– Error because tables linked to this table; used CASCADE to drop linked tables.

*** This should have succeeded, because of the preceding:

ALTER TABLE config.i18n_locale DROP CONSTRAINT i18n_locale_marc_code_fkey;

*** In fact, since you dropped the i18n_locale table you'll probably have other issues.


INSERT INTO metabib.record_attr (id,attrs) ...

*** Not distinct enough, so changing to:

INSERT INTO metabib.record_attr (id,attrs)
    SELECT DISTINCT ON (mrd.record) mrd.record, hstore(mrd) - '{id,record}'::TEXT[] FROM metabib.rec_descriptor mrd;


New circ.user_merge.delete_addresses YAOUS and friends not new ...

*** Moving these to after the COMMIT
