Comment 2 for bug 788629

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Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

Liam, thank you for this contribution to Evergreen.

I do have a couple of suggestions for you and this patch:

1. There is a typo in the code. You have the variable named isFileterSort when it should be isFilterSort, so you might want to correct that on your end.

2. You are obviously using Git to generate this patch and manage your own code. If you can put your changes in a publicly accessible repository in the future, you can just add the information needed to checkout your branch and you won't need to post patches. For instance, we'd want the URL for the repository and the name of the branch to checkout/merge.

It would be a good idea if you contact Galen Charlton or Thomas Berezansky to find out what you need to do to get access to the public, Evergreen working repository. I believe you only need send them a public ssh key for access. If you don't know how to get in touch with either them, you can ask on the dev mailing list or in IRC.

If you post code in the working repository, you can then just specify the path (or whatever git calls it), such as working/user/lwhalen/lp788629 or whatever you named your branch.

The above being said, I have made a branch in my private repository to test your code and that fixes the typo. I'll post it to the public working repository next week after I've seen whether or not it works or if it needs any changes.

Thanks again, and I'll update this bug with the results of testing.

Jason Stephenson
Chief Bug Wrangler, Evergreen ILS