Comment 6 for bug 2064749

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Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

Also seeing this issue in the 3.10.3 Angular staff catalog.

When Pre-Fetch All Holds is selected, once the last full page of holds is reached, clicking the next page button should display a partial grid with the remaining rows, with next page button disabled. Instead, the entire list of holds is retrieved and added to those already viewed. If you page through beyond the total number of holds on the record, then sort the list by hold id, you'll see the duplicates displayed.

My example was a record with 63 holds with the row count of 25 selected. When I clicked to the third page, which should have shown 13 rows, I saw 25. When I sorted by hold id in ascending, then descending order, I observed that the first 50 holds were duplicated and the last 13 were not.

The issue does not appear at all if the number of holds on the record is smaller than the number of rows displayed. In that case the next page option is disabled.