Comment 14 for bug 2057948

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

Hi Ken,

I've done quite a bit of testing on this today, and it's looking very good when users select individual charges to pay. The idempotency key is getting generated as it should based on the selected charges, and Stripe is recognizing that multiple payment intents on the same combination link back to the original request. That's all working great.

When I tested using the "Pay All Charges" option in the opac, however, the idempotency key is generated from an empty string, so if ANY user, after the first, chooses "Pay All Charges", they get the error:

"We are unable to process credit card payments at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact the library for further assistance."

Note that my test server uses tpac, I have not tested this in BOOPAC yet.