Comment 5 for bug 2047940

Revision history for this message
Galen Charlton (gmc) wrote :

After reviewing the patch, I'm setting this to needs-discussion, as the result of this patch would not be quite in alignment with the Angular LI list.

At present, the LI list will permit receiving a line item only if the line item's status is either on-order or "delayed" (i.e., cancelled with a reason that has keep_debits set to true).

The patch would permit receiving if the line item status is either on-order or cancelled, regardless of the value of keep_debits of the cancel reason.

The API that does the receiving, open-ils.acq.lineitem.receive.batch, requires that the line item status is either on-order or cancelled, regardless of the value of keep_debits of the cancel reason. It will recreate the fund debits if necessary for a fully cancelled LI.

So, my question is this: is in fact preferable to not permit receiving of "truly" cancelled LIs? Or at least put up a roadbump? Note that adding the roadblock would require code changes.

If it's preferred that receiving of cancelled LIs be permitted regardless of the keep_debits value, then line 399 of lineitem-list.component.html should be adjusted as well so that the behavior is made fully consistent.