Comment 1 for bug 2043845

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Mackenzie Johnson (mtjohnsonupei) wrote :

Making this bit a comment rather than updating my original post, as it pertains to further changes needed to the schema in order to adhere to changes made in MADS 2.1 rather than bugs affecting the capacity to transform to MADS 2.0.

To match the changes made to MADS 2.1, the transformations for the 372 (field of activity) and 374 (occupation) MARC fields need to be changed so that they become subelements of a <mads:fieldOfEndeavor> element.

Currently, 372 transforms in at <mads:fieldOfActivity> element (with any start and end dates include as part of the one text node), while 374 currently is captured in the <mads:extension> element as <mads:profession>, with <mads:professionTerm>, <mads:startDate>, and <mads:endDate> as children. The start and end dates are also subelements under the new <mads:fieldOfEndeavor> element, but <mads:profession> does not have a further professionTerm subelement in the 2.1 schema.