Comment 0 for bug 2032842

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Mackenzie Johnson (mtjohnsonupei) wrote :

Evergreen Version: 3.8.0
PostgreSQL version: some?

Our collections librarian has flagged that the titles stored in reporter.materialized_simple_record (which maps to "Simple Record Extracts" when building a report in EG are inconsistent in how they are capitalized -- some are lowercase, and some are mixed-case, and having spot-checked one the records with a lowercase title, that doesn't always match. That suggests to me that something is wrong with how the normalization is being processed, either entirely or with the capitalization alone. It's my understanding that the titles (which are indexed as the Title Proper) should be normalized and lower case, but the majority of the titles here and in the wider collection are not. And yes, I have seen that exists. Regardless of whether or not Titles Proper are no longer being changed to lowercase, it is internally inconsistent, and furthermore, the Reporter says explicitly that Titles Proper are being normalized when coming from "Simple Record Extracts". So either that labelling needs to change, because the decade-old wishlist item I linked has since been implemented, or there's an issue with how Titles Proper are being normalized or otherwise formatted when seeded into metabib.display_entry.

I've attached a list of titles as sourced from "Simple Record Extracts" to demonstrate the differences in how titles are capitalized or otherwise normalized.