Comment 23 for bug 2032753

Revision history for this message
Stephanie Leary (stephanieleary) wrote :

Elements containing Material Icons must *not* be translated as a whole; the keywords correspond to icons, and they must be given in English.

This means that for a button or link containing both words and an icon, we need to remove the i18n attribute on the parent element and provide two inner spans, one with the words and the i18n attribute, and one for the icon without i18n.

For a button containing only an icon, there should not be an i18n attribute, only i18n-title and i18n-aria-label as needed.

On the test server, you can inspect the navigation button containing the the erroneous ů in the browser. If you replace "Domů" with "home" inside the material-icons span, the home icon reappears.

The branch on bug 1615714 fixes a lot of button icon/i18n issues along with the ARIA labels.