Comment 5 for bug 2021996

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Tiffany Little (tslittle) wrote :

I keep turning this over in my brain and trying to think how I'd probably implement it so I'm sort of talking out loud here.

So for fiscal_calendar, I think of when the fiscal calendar runs. So I think most people have something like a Jul-Jun or a Jan-Dec calendar. So I might put each of those as a different fiscal calendar that would be accessible to everyone. Basically like, these are the options out there, they don't have to be specific to anyone.

Then for fiscal_year, I would think more of the year itself. So for most of our libraries, they run on a Jul-Jun calendar. So if I made a fiscal_year for 2024, I'd attach it to the Jul-Jun fiscal calendar. Should FY24 (Jul-Jun period) be accessible to anyone to be added to a fund? You would need to create a fiscal year for each option (e.g. FY24 attached to Jul-Jun, FY24 attached to Jan-Dec, etc). But there's nothing org specific about that--they'd just be available options when you're creating your funds, which *are* org specific. And if you *did* have an org on that table, you'd just be duplicating them across multiple orgs.

Maybe instead of an org it needs more of a template kind of deal? So the entry in the combobox for fund.year might look like "2024 (Jul-Jun)" rather than just "2024"?

If acq.fiscal_year.year was text, you could even enter it like FY2024 so in the combobox it would look even more clarifying, like "FY2024 (Jul-Jun)"?

So to sum up my stream of consciousness thought process as possibilities:

-- Keep fiscal_calendar as is

-- acq.fiscal_year should acquire an active column so that years don't show up forever and ever. Ooh, or should it just consult the acq.fiscal_year.year_end date and not show in list if it's past that date? That'd be cool, especially since it already exists and has no other apparent purpose.

-- acq.fiscal_year.year should become a text field so we could do thinks like name them "FY2024" instead of just an integer (like Galen was saying).

-- Year combobox on create modal should (a) pull from acq.fiscal_year, and (b) use a template to display as "acq.fiscal_year.year (associated"