Comment 0 for bug 2019747

Revision history for this message
Jason Stephenson (jstephenson) wrote :

Evergreen Version: current master and previous versions
OpenSRF Version: N/A
PostgreSQL Version: N/A

When Evergreen is hosted on a non-standard port, i.e. 8080, 8443, or something else, the top nav logo redirect fails when the logo is clicked because EGCatLoader's generic redirect function does not add the port from the incoming URI to the redirect.

There are two possible ways to fix this:

1. Modify the href in the Open-ILS/src/templates-bootstrap/opac/parts/topnav_logo.tt2 template to go to "/eg/opac/home" instead of "/eg/opac/".

2. Modify The EGCatLoader::Util function generic_redirect to include the port from the request URI.

Doing 1 avoids invoking generic_redirect, and works if OILSWebMediaPrefix is properly set to include the alternate port number. (See bug XXXXX related to that one.)

This was discovered while assisting a new Evergreen user site in IRC: