Comment 0 for bug 2007422

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Tiffany Little (tslittle) wrote : Extra perms block PO loading

Seen in 3.10 production.

It looks as though the permissions CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER and ACQ_SET_LINEITEM_IDENTIFIER are both being required to view a purchase order. We have a permission group just for receiving, so it didn't have the ACQ_SET_LINEITEM_IDENTIFIER permission assigned. When someone with this permission would open a PO, the lineitem loading bar would spin indefinitely.

I tracked it through the logs, starting from open-ils.acq.lineitem.retrieve.batch and ending up in where on line 231 it looks like it requires VIEW_PURCHASE_ORDER and CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER both to retrieve a lineitem. It shouldn't require CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER just to retrieve a line item. I didn't realize this was causing a problem at first because apparently CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER is set in the base Acquisitions permission group at the consortial level, and that's what all our perm groups are derived from. So it's not that it was necessarily *causing* this particular issue, but it doesn't seem like a good idea. But that's a different kettle of fish....

The second perm at issue is ACQ_SET_LINEITEM_IDENTIFIER. I haven't quite figured out *why* this is being called, but I tracked it from lineitem.service.ts which is calling open-ils.acq.lineitem.order_identifier.set and on the front end talks to orderIdentChanged in lineitem-list.component.ts. Does it think that just loading the page is an event and so it's calling orderIdentChanged? That's in the default Acquisitions profile too, which obviously we customized *that* at some point, but the point is that it shouldn't be required just to load up a PO.