Comment 2 for bug 2007284

Revision history for this message
Beth Willis (willis-a) wrote :

I tested this fix on Tiffany's server as follows:

---I created two items attached the same call number
--I saved the items without attempting to add parts

--I edited the above two items
--I created a new partfor the first item
--I then created the same part for the second item
--I saved and exited

The parts were not saved

I am not sure if the initial bug reported also applied to adding parts when creating, rather than editing, items. I tested this and got the same results; the parts did not save.

I used both the "Edit Call Numbers" and "Edit Call Numbers and Items" options with no difference in outcome.

Adding the same newly created part to multiple items is not something I have ever needed to do, so perhaps I have misunderstood this bug report. If so, clarification would be appreciated.