Comment 13 for bug 1993823

Revision history for this message
Tina Ji (tji) wrote :

1. Re nullability, it appears when the checkbox in front of a sub-table is selected, it is inner join between the two tables. It's left join if it is not selected. But I did not figure out how to make a right join.

2. When setting up a report with an In List operator on Org Unit ID, the whole org unit tree is displayed flat (expanded). This could be a big issue to our consortium. We have over 300 org units. Can the org unit tree be collapsed to certain level, e.g. displaying the first 2 levels ?

3. Previous selected values for In List operators remain when setting up a new report on the same template.

4. I always encountered error when reporting on items with a field from linked circulation table. You may see it with admin account in Tina(Shared) folder on