Comment 7 for bug 1991487

Revision history for this message
Lena Hernandez (lfhernandez) wrote :

Similar to Tiffany's comments, I would say that fund should be editable but that EDI messages and settings are not changed with the update. We should retain the functionality to send funds information to vendors but perhaps could ignore the fund info in messages coming FROM the vendor?

Some libraries may have deposits set up with the vendor that are tied to the fund information, or may have set up limitations on what types of resources can be ordered under a particular fund code. An example from my previous life of academic acq, we had two pots of money on deposit with our vendor. One was our general funds and the other was from a grant. The grant money could only be used to order replacement copies of physical books. Those parameters were set up when we created the deposit so that if I accidentally tried to order an ebook using the grant fund code it would be flagged. The selected fund was important to our workflows.

Perhaps we could treat this more like we do with claiming, there is a flag so the system creates an alert, but the humans are the ones that need to do any follow up. So, for example:

Workflow from the PO
1. library updates the fund from the PO
a. modal opens with alert that only the local information has changed and that EDI messages will not be modified
b. Note with this alert is added to line item
c. Incoming EDI messages from the vendor ignore the fund information.
3. When the invoice is received, the line item that had a changed fund has a visible alert displayed next to it noting that the fund was changed and so additional follow up may be required.
4. Invoice continues to be processed with the locally re-set fund.

Workflow from the Invoice
1. Library updates the fund on the invoice
a. modal opens with alert that only the local information has changed and that EDI messages will not be modified
b. Note with this alert is added to line item
c. The alert displays on the invoice interface
2. Invoice continues to be processed with the locally re-set fund

I would agree with Tiffany that it would be preferable to always be able to change the fund regardless of EDI.