Comment 18 for bug 1979071

Revision history for this message
Bill Erickson (berick) wrote :

Fix to resolve this error:

psql:assets_concerto.sql:58: WARNING: \nPL/pgSQL function action.enqueue_ingest_entry(bigint,text,timestamp with time zone,integer,text,text) line 11 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT action.enqueue_ingest_entry(, TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, NOW(), ingest_queue, new_action, old_state_data)"
PL/pgSQL function indexing_ingest_or_delete() line 72 at SQL statement
psql:assets_concerto.sql:58: WARNING: Enqueuing of biblio.record_entry 10 for ingest failed, attempting direct ingest
psql:assets_concerto.sql:58: WARNING: It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table column.\nPL/pgSQL function metabib.indexing_delete(biblio.record_entry,text) line 19 at SQL statement
SQL statement "SELECT metabib.indexing_delete(NEW.*, old_state_data)"
PL/pgSQL function indexing_ingest_or_delete() line 83 at SQL statement
psql:assets_concerto.sql:58: WARNING: Ingest of biblio.record_entry 10 failed