Comment 0 for bug 1978716

Revision history for this message
Tiffany Little (tslittle) wrote :


Currently there is one line item status "Canceled" to represent both true cancellations (that should delete the fund debit and turns the line item white) and delayed items (backordered, etc).

I would like to see "Delayed" as its own line item status, and then link to the same table as "cancel reasons" to further specify the reasoning.

Why: It is very confusing to have to mark something that's backordered as "canceled"; and it makes it much more difficult to isolate backordered items in reports and searches because you have to both filter on a line item status+cancel reason to get what you're looking for rather than being able to simple filter on line item status.

For implementation, my thought might be that the current cancel reasons table would gain another required column to choose either Delayed or Backorder. Then in a PO, have the option(s) for "Mark Line Items as Delayed" which the box is populated with cancel reasons with type Delayed, or "Mark Line Items as Canceled" which populates with cancel reasons with type Canceled.