Comment 8 for bug 1962757

Revision history for this message
Christine Morgan (cmorgan-z) wrote :

Tested this again and this time the Holdings Editor loaded but I was not able to add a part.
- I tried adding from the Monograph Parts tab.  Clicking on the New Monograph Part button does nothing.
- I tried adding a part in the Holdings Editor in the part box and it does not save.

I was logged in as br1mclark again and did clear my cache.  I also tried from an incognito window.

This is what I am seeing in the console when I click the New Monograph Part button:

ERROR TypeError: t.creator is not a function
    at C.createNew [as action] (3294.3cbf24c6ddc12151.js:1:141499)
    at u.performButtonAction (2192.eb8f09a6e8acd70e.js:1:120228)
    at 2192.eb8f09a6e8acd70e.js:1:115347
    at vg (main.891491a9852b45df.js:3:166949)
    at c (main.891491a9852b45df.js:3:167116)
    at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (main.891491a9852b45df.js:3:284375)
    at v.invokeTask (polyfills.639b7e14253a83b2.js:1:7210)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (main.891491a9852b45df.js:3:207031)
    at v.invokeTask (polyfills.639b7e14253a83b2.js:1:7131)
    at M.runTask (polyfills.639b7e14253a83b2.js:1:2575)