Comment 4 for bug 1959010

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Thanks, Elizabeth!

My additional two cents on this is that I think we should try to avoid simply replicating the OPAC View on this page. The catalog already had that, it didn't work well, and it was replaced with the Patron View option.

I'd like to see the tab limited to useful information that doesn't necessarily slow down the whole process. I personally find the angular catalog much speedier than both the old catalog and the BOOPAC (did I write that right?). I'd like to try to maintain the speed while bringing back as much of this information as possible. [After placing holds in the Angular catalog, I never want to go back to the old way. It's so fast and informational.]

That said, any info we put that can be linked should be linked - authors, other formats, subjects, etc.