Comment 3 for bug 1945836

Revision history for this message
Lindsay Stratton (lstratton) wrote :

Working through simple reports, with and without using the draft documentation. There appears to be some quirky behavior regarding report names, output names, and the browser tab labels when viewing HTML output.

Leaving the report name as "Whatever Report (clone)" when initially cloning a report, and later changing the report name in the report editor, i.e. "New Report Name", the output can retain the "Whatever Report (clone)" name in the HTML view browser tab.

Similarly, editing a report name may not change the name in the HTML output display tab. Both the original and the renamed output display the new name in the list, but retain the original report name in the browser tab.

This seems to relate to where and when the cloned report or edited report is renamed and saved, and output run - saving the report name using the Save button next to the report name field (names and labels match up), vs. changing the name and then setting output options and clicking Save and Schedule Report (names and labels do not match).

In either case, the reports all run correctly. May need a little more specificity in the docs to prevent confusion?