Comment 8 for bug 1929872

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John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

This is a much-desired feature for some our patrons. Thank you for your work on this, Terran and Mike!

I have one concern and one question.

When you open the carousel in list form and perform a search at the top of the page, the search just searches the list, but this is not obvious. For example, search for "Mozart" from this URL,,carousel,2. Then search for "Coraline". The first search fails, but the second one finds the title in the carousel. There is no on-screen indicator telling the user that their search is just for the carousel.

With a traditional list, there's a checkbox that lets the user know the search will be just for the list, like here:

Is there some way to get this indicator with the carousel list?

I never really understand why the traditional list (bookbag) URL doesn't work for carousels. They are already a public container. Would there be some simple way to make carousels work with the traditional bookbag URL?

If not, would Mike's first approach be better since then there is a visual indicator of some form?

Right now the "(See Complete List)" is at the top left of the carousel. Would it make more visual sense centered underneath the carousel title?