Comment 3 for bug 1916969

Revision history for this message (tji) wrote :

EG 3.9

Our commonly used Date filters for recurring reports are date transformed to Year + Month with InList operator and transformed to Date with Between operator.

With numerous test editing recurring reports using these date filters, we found that the later worked well, but not the former.

When editing recurring reports with date filter transformed to Year + Month with InList operator, usually we saw the date filter only on the Edit screen, which was default to Real Date instead of Relative Date. The other filters were missing.

When we continued to save the report using either Save as New or Save Report, we noticed that the new/edited report was not using the original template, but the one last used by the staff account. (In reality it does not make much sense to save a report that has a problem already. I hope this observation may help trace the cause of the issue.)