Comment 1 for bug 1914470

Revision history for this message
Michele Morgan (mmorgan) wrote :

Marking Confirmed.

We use Long Overdue processing along with the library setting "Void Overdue Fines When Items are Marked Long-Overdue". We also find that overdue fines that have already been paid or forgiven prior to the item being marked Long Overdue, will also be adjusted, effectively reducing the replacement cost billed to the patron.

An example from our system:

Item is overdue:

$7.10 owed in overdue fines
$5.00 is forgiven

Item is marked Long Overdue:

$7.10 in overdue fines is adjusted
replacement billing assessed is $50.00

Patron's balance owed:

$45.00 (should be $50.00)

Given that there is no current functionality in Evergreen to adjust *payments*, and only *billings* are adjusted, John's alternate suggestion from the bug description would likely be more doable:

"Another possibility is to change how overdues are adjusted. Perhaps only adjust net-positive overdue charges.
-example: $2.50 in overdues are accrued. $2.00 payment is made. The item becomes LOST, and only the remaining $0.50 in overdues are reversed."