Comment 1 for bug 1912004

Revision history for this message
Elizabeth Thomsen (et-8) wrote (last edit ):

I think this would be a great option! I mentioned availability in this comment in the wishlist item about randomizing carousels:

I'm influenced here by how the OverDrive curated lists work -- when you create a list, there's an Availability Filter (Show all title, Show Only Available Titles, Show All Titles But Show Availabile Titles First) and a Sort Option, which includes Newly Added, Most Popular and Random. I nearly always use Random and Show Available Titles First, which is probably what I'd do with most carousels.

Without these options, most people are only ever going to see the first group of titles that will always, and maybe another 10 or whatever if they hit the arrow a few times. Random is more dynamic so people see more variety, and availability also adds to the dynamic nature and shows them things that they can actually get right away.