Comment 29 for bug 1904036

Revision history for this message
John Amundson (jamundson) wrote :

Okay, made my way through the rest of comment 17. Here is what's remaining.

- Prompt to update hold notifications generally works, but if you attempt to update SMS number, the prompt for that portion is blank, and the SMS number does not update. If you update SMS carrier, you are prompted with something like the following: "A carrier other than "Cincinnati Bell" is currently used in 3 hold(s). Update to "Aliant"?" I think both quoted areas should be the new carrier. It doesn't make sense otherwise. In this example, they should both be "Aliant".

- Patron Summary should use 4 digit years instead of 2 digit years. For example, Date of Birth - 01/01/19.

- Check In: "Update Inventory" Checkin Modifier does not appear to update Inventory Date or Inventory Workstation.

- Check In: - Missing action to "Mark Items Discard/Weed".

- Check Out - item alerts still display oddly if ther are other pop-ups.

- Item Alerts Manager in Angular does not display the alert type. It is always blank.

- "Capture Holds" screen does not appear to work at all. Nothing happens after entering a barcode and clicking "Submit".

- Browser tabs should be renamed for better usability
-- "Checkin Items" update to "Check In"
-- "Patron: L Name, F Name" updated to "L Name, F Name"
-- "Manage Patrons" updated to "Patron Search"

I did not retest the following because I was having some general display issues this afternoon that could have affected behavior. There may be some issues with the server.

- The first item to be checked in that both has fines and needs to transit will produce the monstrosity of a display that you see attached. Subsequent fines/transits do not seem to do this. This also sometimes seems to happen if the item has an alert attached.